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Poor Farmers Will Not Worsen Java Forest Governance

Critics of social forestry in Java predict Candy LHK No. P. 39/2017 of Social Forestry in the region progressively worsen Perhutani forest governance. Critics of this claim, West Java, thousands of poor farmers of the holder IPHPS (Social Forestry Forest Utilization Permission) the people have no particular expertise in the field of forestry. They cause State forest management.

Indeed these critics wrong predictions, far-fetched, prejudice, a priori, a historic and not factual. Poor farmers in Java IPHPS Receiver will not aggravate the forest governance. Critics did not understand the terms of IPHPS. IPHPS holder has rights and obligations and receives coaching and facilitation.

Why are poor farmers IPHPS Receiver will not damage the forest governance?

First, the holder of the IPHPS according to Candy LHK No. P. 39:
  1. the farmer with the main livelihood working on land directly.
  2. The farmer tenants do not have land or farmers owning land under or equal to 0.5 Ha.
  3. Farmers with attention to gender perspectives.
  4. The displaced due to natural disasters, preferred to be a member of the group.

The holder of the IPHPS has become accustomed to life in the field of forestry and work the land directly. As farmers manage, their citizens living in the vicinity of the work area or in the Perhutani evidenced KTP (Id Card) and NIK (Parent Population Numbers), or have a history of grazing has been proved by a certificate of Chairman of community groups, the Chairman of the Group of farmers or Cooperatives. Therefore, they have special knowledge and understanding in the field of forestry. The level of formal education they tend to be low. However, it does not mean the level of specialized knowledge and understanding in the field of forestry are low too.

Second, the holder of the IPHPS has the right and obligation. Poor farmers will work in accordance with its rights and obligations. What is their duty?
  1. Keep his acreage from the destruction and pollution of the environment. 2. Mark the boundaries of the area of the works.
  2. Drafting plans for the long-term utilization during 10 (ten) years and short-term for 1 (one) year.
  3. Do the planting and the keeping in the area of work.
  4. Do the results of the forest.
  5. Maintaining forest functions.
  6. Carry out the function of protection.

This obligation requires that the holder of the IPHPS to support the increase of good forest governance. Will not aggravate the Forest Governance.

Third, the holder of the IPHPS thousands of it getting "accompaniment". Article 9 the number 39 years LHK Candy 2017 reads IPHPS, the applicant may appoint an escort of NGOS (Nongovernmental Organizations) incorporated the local law. In the event that the applicant does not designate IPHPS companion, then Pokja PPS (acceleration of Social Forestry working group) showed a local incorporated legal Companion.

PPS is a working group on aiding the facilitation and acceleration of the social forestry activity verification.

Mentoring the holder IPHPS made it very unlikely worsen forest governance. Thus, this makes accompaniment of forest governance increasingly good. Critics dismiss the existence of mentoring IPHPS Holder.

Fourth, there is a Monitoring and evaluation (Monev), of course, it can control the behavior of each Holder IPHPS. Must perform the obligations.

Monitoring is carried out periodically at least once every 6 months. The evaluation of at least 1 time a year. Monev, Director General of the Government, involves Pokja PPS and Perhutani, assisted the teamwork.

Monev certainly controls of the holder IPHPS so as not to aggravate the forest governance such as the predictable Critics.

Fifth, the holder of the IPHPS not likely to worsen as the Government forest governance do direct "coaching" and "facilitation". In accordance with clause 23 Candy LHK No. P. 39/2017, Director-General, the head of the Agency, and the head of Department in accordance with its doing coaching and facilitation of implementation of social forestry. Coaching and facilitation activities it covers al.: tagging the work area boundaries, mapping with drones, mentoring, counseling, support for seeds, means of production, technical guidance, airy school, promotion/marketing, product research, and development.

Coaching and facilitation of social forestry can also be provided by Ministries/Agencies, financial institutions, STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES/BUMS, in the framework of community empowerment program

Coaching and facilitation by the Government and the country's lembaga2 direct IPHPS Holders improve forest governance is good, not thus worsen.

Sixth, the Government gives sanctions to holders of IPHPS. Article 24 Candy LHK Number P. 39 set, in terms of the results of the evaluation of the Holder IPHPS violation in the form of the transfer of IPHPS to the other party and perform data manipulation/forgery penalized revocation. In the results of the evaluation that holds the IPHPS does not meet his obligations that the warning is given 3 times within 1 month of sanctions and revocation.

These sanctions are of course made the holder of the IPHPS will not deviate from the provisions of the Candy LHK No. P. 39., including activities and patterns of cropping, is allowed.

Seventh, the field evidence can disprove the predictions of critics. PD 6 Nov. 2017, President of Jokowi submit the DECREE IPHPS more people in the village of 1,662 Dungus, Wings, Kab. Madiun East Java. Recipient of the SK IPHPS comes from the Government. Madiun, Kab. Tulung Agung, Government, and Tuban. The entire Recipient IPHPS forest farmers around and inside the work area Perhutani. They are already accustomed to living and work as sharecroppers in the field of forestry.

Critics claim is mistaken, thousands of IPHPS receiver has no special abilities in the field of forestry. The fundamental question for this ability sharecroppers not special, but the forest land area can be utilized. During this time they are without land or a maximum of 0.5 Ha with revenue rata2 USD 500 thousand per month/KK. Farmers in this event get the document state as State forest utilization up to 2 Ha, called SK IPHPS. SK is the umbrella law for farmers to utilize the land Recipients over the past 35 years. This land is not on the divide but loaned by the State. Farmers provide cleaner results 30% to 70%, the remaining yarn to the farmers.

Therefore, there is no reason Critics predict thousands of recipients of IPHPS will make the governance of forests is not good. Their lives since their grandparent are familiar in environmental forestry.

Seven reasons above refute Critics assessment of West Java. Quite the contrary, implementation of candy LHK No. P39/2017 it undertook to improve the quality of governance of the forest on the island of Java in particular.

By: Muchtar Effendi Harahap (NSEAS)

Source: AamNh7

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