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Information Technology | A Peek At The Splendor Of The Nissan Technology center In Japan

It's no secret anymore if Nissan as one of the flagship car manufacturer origin Japan continues to strive to develop the latest technology for all of its products. One of them with the building of the Nissan Advanced Technology Center (NATC) in Atsugi, Kanagawa, Japan.

And the got a rare chance to visit the NATC on the sidelines of a flurry of attending a celebration Tokyo Motor Show 2017. In the visit, a number of specialists expose some essential points from the center of Nissan technology in Japan.

The main purpose of building this NATC i.e. accelerating the development of technology that will be embedded in the Nissan flagship products. Then create a new technology that is beneficial for the development of future vehicles.
Information Technology | A Peek At The Splendor Of The Nissan Technology center In Japan
From building on 118 thousand square meters, some technologies have been developed such as the development of the Global Nissan electric car, hybrid technology to fully autonomous driving which would certainly be part of the vision of the Nissan Intelligent Mobility.

In addition, NATC also became the site of the development of Nissan Leaf is so popular in Japan. Then also became the site of the development of technological innovations e-Power to fully electric vehicles.

That is not less important, the building is equipped with a lab, offices up to the auditorium was also the venue development place charger common in Japan now reach 21,338 units. No exception the development and innovation of battery electric cars Nissan.


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