Bajakah Kalbar Satu

The Police Would Have Sophisticated Tools, Can Scan The Faces Of The Fugitive

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Bad news for outlaws who became a fugitive. Because the Police would soon have sophisticated tools to scan and recognize faces. This tool will be installed in security camera CCTV installed in alias throughout the public areas.

The head of the Agency's Criminal Police, Commissioner Reserve General Ari Dono Sukmanto says, the development of sophisticated tools is still in the planning stages. ARI speaks, it is in fact already used a number of countries in the world, this tool uses a technology called facial CCTV recognized identification.

"Actually this way. One of us had a population of data. Second, we've got crime data. Third, we are looking for people to be able to get the people we are looking for, "said Ari Dono at Bareskrim police, Central Jakarta, Sunday, November 1, 2017.

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ARI Dono said, the technology is still in the development stage is designed to recognize and detect a person's face based on photos that are on the card (KTP) Residents Sign electronically.

Equipped with face detection CCTV software (software) will be installed in public places and crowds. As in ports, airports and other public places. Thus, when the faces of evildoers who became a fugitive will be instantly detected and instantly popped up a warning to the task.

"If we see you in case there are some cases of people found her face. We sketch our facials, recognized, we can all. We develop again ahead of it to CCTV. So later the software we put it, "he said.

ARI Dono exemplifies, for example, the police is searching for the DPO terrorists. The DPO when CCTV was detected, it will be straight out his profile and direct warning or notice to the clerk.

"For instance, DPO of his terrorist. Well this CCTV there at the port, the airport, public places. When he captured the faces of people that will come out his profile we stacking, will exit the tool, then we do the Chase, "he said.

Source: AamNh7
Bajakah Kalbar Satu

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